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Swedish Fire & Rescue Service

Safety & Rescue
X-Fire AB
First Responders

The Client

The FirePro HERO Manual Unit is a first response firefighting tool designed for manual deployment by trained personnel. It was first used by professional firefighters trained as emergency personnel in the Swedish Fire & Rescue Services (Statens Räddningsverk). HERO's purpose is to moderate the fire threat in order to create a window of opportunity for firefighters to commence firefighting using conventional means of firefighting.

Risks & Consequences

When fires get out of control they can be very difficult to tackle and can have devastating collateral effects. It is therefore imperative that first responders are able to tackle fires quickly and effectively on the spot in order to better facilitate the work of firefighters. Whatever the source of fire the materials combust and burn at different ferocities producing different levels of heat values. Therefore, effectiveness in fighting A, B, C (as per EN classification) fire classes can be an added benefit for manual firefighting instruments.

The Task

To provide a fast, effective, efficient and reliable portable fire suppression tool to first responders in emergency situations. Deployment of the manual unit must buy precious time, stop flashover and provide an emergency route through a wall of flames and/or even extinguish the fire. The manual fire extinguishing unit must be able to be thrown through possibly small openings easily into the enclosure where fire is raging. The objective being to manage fires on the scene long enough to allow fire departments to arrive. The agent used should be certified green and produce no harmful by-products when activated.

Why FirePro?

Firefighting techniques are constantly under review to improve effectiveness, efficiency and safety while at the same time reducing harmful effects to humans and the environment. It is inherently difficult for a conventional firefighting system to display the attributes necessary for the task of first response. FirePro HERO is a light, manual, handheld unit designed to deliver instant fire suppression. FirePro technology with its physical modularity and other characteristics is in its true tradition for innovation and problem solving ability and adaptability continuing to contribute to effective and environmentally safe solutions for meeting the demands of modern firefighters with FirePro HERO. 

Results of Implementation

Swedish Fire & Rescue officers had 4 deployments in 6 months in 4 regions under trial. Successful use of the FirePro HERO resulted in one life rescued and three properties saved from destruction. Private security companies backed by Insurance agencies are now keen to include FirePro HERO manual units as part of their first response tactics. In recognition of FirePro HERO’s contribution to firefighting it has received the Swedish Security Award in 2015.

FP-200M V2

FP-500M V2

FP-1000M V2

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